
Happy National Nut Day 2023: Top Wishes, Quotes, Image & History

Happy National Nut Day 2023

Happy National Nut Day 2023: Top Wishes, Quotes, Image & History- The 22nd of October is designated as National Nut Day each year. The neighbor who lives next door or the coworker who sings loudly while wearing headphones is NOT the focus of today. It is a celebration honoring a wholesome and nourishing snack.

Happy National Nut Day 2023:

Nuts are a highly valued food item, a major supply of nutrients for both people and wildlife, and an excellent source of energy. A large number of them are used in cooking, consumed raw, sprouted, or roasted as a snack food, and pressed to produce an oil used in cooking and cosmetics. Most of the fats in nuts, including monounsaturated fats, are unsaturated fats.

Excellent sources of vitamins E and B2 include several nuts. Additionally, they are a good source of protein, fiber, folate, and vital minerals including copper, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Animals need nuts to survive, especially those in temperate climes where they store acorns and other nuts in the fall to avoid starvation in the late fall, the entire winter, and the early spring. Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular nut consumption lowers the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Nuts were initially connected to CHD prevention in 1993. Since then, numerous clinical studies have revealed that consuming nuts like almonds and walnuts can lower serum LDL cholesterol levels.

Way to Observe Happy National Nut Day 2023:

According to one study, those who consumed nuts lived two to three years longer than those who did not. A longer lifespan may have resulted from those who consumed nuts eating less junk food. The most nutritional value is also retained by nuts in their uncooked state. However, if you want to observe the day, make sure to relish a snack of your preferred nut! Try this recipe for Mixed Nut Bars to honor National Nut Day and enjoy a daytime snack of raw nuts. Make some gorp or share your favorite recipes. Stock up on your favorites and bring some nuts for everyone to enjoy! At lunchtime, sprinkle some nuts on your salad, then use crushed nuts to make the pie crust. Lunchtime salads can be topped with nuts, and crushed nuts can be used to make pie crusts or even a savory roast.

History of Happy National Nut Day 2023:

Liberation Foods Company established National Nut Day as a method to support the Worldwide associations of small nut farmers. The company felt it was crucial to emphasize to the public that its nuts were not only produced responsibly but also that it was committed to paying its nut farmers a fair minimum wage for both their labor and their harvests. Liberation formed a Fair Trade collective with farmers from Malawi, Brazil, India, El Salvador, and other Third World nations who were cultivating Brazil nuts, peanuts, and cashews.

On the website of Liberation Foods in 2015, National Nut Day was mentioned. Despite the company’s British headquarters, this holiday has become very popular, particularly in the United States. All things nut-related, including recipes and cooking advice, are the focus of the day. In stews and soups, peanuts are a common addition to everyday meals in many African nations. The Nutcracker Museum claims that nuts have been a staple of the human diet for approximately 800,000 years! “Nutting tools” were employed by early humans to break stones. Pecan artifacts dating back to 6100 B.C. were found in a Texas cave. Pistachios were popular in ancient Europe, while Greeks and Romans thought walnuts were a gift from the gods.

Happy National Nut Day

Eventually, English ships carrying walnuts sailed the Mediterranean. The nuts were traded for other goods. When the Franciscan monks stepped foot on these new shores in the 18th century, walnuts were introduced to the New World, notably California. So, add a healthy serving of nuts to everything you consume today. They make you cheerful and provide numerous health advantages. On National Nut Day, it’s crucial to keep that in mind!

Happy National Nut Day 2023 By Numbers

  • Walnuts are the oldest known meal from a tree, dating back to 10,000 BC.
  • American consumers spend $800 million on peanut butter annually.
  • 1919: Texas designated the pecan tree as its official state tree.
  • Almonds can be stored in the refrigerator for two years.
  • 20% – One serving of chestnuts contains 20% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
  • 1 – One serving of walnuts provides all of your daily needs for omega-3 fatty acids.
  • 40% of the world’s supply of almonds is purchased by chocolate producers.
  • 4 out of 10 Americans report eating nuts.

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