World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims 2024

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims 2024: Every year on the third Sunday in November, the World Days of Remembrance for Victims of Road Traffic (WDR) is observed. The commemoration of the numerous millions of people who have died or been gravely injured while traveling on the world’s roads, as well as the struggles of all victims, families, and communities who have been impacted, is an important annual global event. The cumulative death toll is truly staggering.

This Day has grown to be a crucial tool for governments as well as all those. Whose jobs involve preventing crashes or responding to their aftermath. Because it provides a platform for highlighting the massive scope and impact of road fatalities and injuries. Calling for an end to the frequently ineffective and inappropriate responses, and arguing for quick, coordinated action to prevent the carnage.

On World Day, we also honor the committed emergency personnel, law enforcement officers, and medical staff who cope with the painful consequences of traffic accidents every day.

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims 2024

Save November 20, 2024, for such World Days of Remembrance for victims of traffic accidents.

WDoR 2021, a day set aside each year to honor the several millions of people who have died in traffic accidents worldwide, celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. As “appropriate acknowledgment as well for victims of such road traffic crashes including their families,” it was initiated by the European Federation of the Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) in 1995 as well as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 60/5 on October 26, 2005. The upcoming Decade of Action regarding Road Safety 2021-2030 includes the event as a key component.

WDoR wants to give victims of traffic accidents and their families a platform where they can:

  • Keep in mind everyone who was murdered or gravely injured on the roadways.
  • Acknowledge the emergency services’ important job
  • Call attention to the typically insignificant legal responses to responsible traffic fatalities and injuries
  • Promote improved support for victims of traffic accidents and their families
  • Encourage evidence-based efforts to reduce and eventually eliminate new traffic-related fatalities and injuries.

Low speeds have the potential to avert many fatalities and serious injuries, especially those of pedestrians as well as all vulnerable road users, including children, the elderly, and the disabled. This is why WDoR 2021 focused on reducing traffic speeds.

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims
World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims

Road traffic accidents are the biggest cause of death for those aged 5 to 29

The 1.35 million annual road traffic fatalities are noted in the WHO’s Global Status Reports on Road Safety, which was released in December 2018. Today, deaths from traffic accidents top all other causes of death for those aged 5 to 29. The load is disproportionately carried by motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians, especially those who reside in developing nations.

The report also shows that there has been little progress toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goal 3.6, which aims for a 50% decrease in traffic fatalities by 2020.

Pedestrians, cyclists, as well as motorcyclists, make up more than half of all road traffic fatalities. Half of all traffic fatalities worldwide are caused by pedestrians, cyclists, motorized 2- & 3-wheeler riders, and the passengers on board. These individuals are commonly referred to as “vulnerable road users.” In low-income nations compared to high-income nations, a greater percentage of vulnerable motorists pass away.

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims 2024 History

As a result of General Assembly resolutions 60. The World Days of Remembrance over Road Traffic Victims was established, and more nations on every continent now observe it. The Day has developed into a crucial element in international attempts to lower traffic fatalities. It presents a chance to highlight the extent of the emotional and financial destruction brought on by traffic accidents. As well as to acknowledge the suffering of the victims and the efforts of the support as well as rescue agencies.

In order to spread awareness of the Day. Unite nations around shared goals, and honor those injured or killed in crashes, a special website was created.

The Decade of Actions for Road Safety 2021–2030 was formally proclaimed by the United Nations. General Assembly in September 2020 with the audacious goal of averting at least half of traffic-related injuries and fatalities by 2030. A global strategy for the Decade of Action has been established by WHO as well as the UN regional commissioners, in collaboration with other UN Traffic Safety Collaboration partners.

Furthermore, the UN sponsors Global Traffic Safety Week to draw attention to the issue of children. Just on the world’s roadways and spur action to better assure their safety.

World Day Of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims

The policy of Recall, back, and take action

The World Days of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims aims to give victims of traffic accidents and their families a forum to:

  • Recollect all those murdered or severely hurt on the roadways;
  • Acknowledge the emergency services’ important work;
  • Call attention to the typically insignificant legal responses to responsible traffic fatalities and injuries
  • Provide improved assistance for victims of traffic accidents and their families;
  • Encourage evidence-based efforts to reduce and eventually eliminate new traffic-related fatalities and injuries.

Justice is highlighted on the World Days of Remembrance also for Roads Traffic Victims in 2023. The legal system includes traffic law enforcement, and detailed collision investigations to determine whether. A crime was committed as well as to prevent a repeat, criminal prosecution when necessary, and civil damages.

Such a system is what victims of road crashes are. Those who have been hurt or lost a family member as a result of someone breaking the law or being negligent deserve and wish. It is to be implemented seriously, fairly, and consistently. It also serves as a key element of prevention and ensures. Lessons are learned from their tragedies because then they could not be repeated.

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