Happy Memorial Day 2023: Top 50+ Quotes & Wishes – (May 29)

Happy Memorial Day 2023: Top 50+ Quotes & Wishes – (May 29) – observation is right around the corner, and we want you to be a part of it! This event honors those who have worshipped our country in wars or conflicts. For two years from now on May 31st, give thanks for your freedom by visiting an American graveyard with family or friends.

Memorial Day Quotes

Honor their sacrifice and keep in mind that not everyone has had the chance to live free as they should because some gave up theirs so others may enjoy ours today. The day also pays honor back home where civilians can take time off work (if possible) without fear of losing pay; spend more quality time with loved ones while minding what this holiday really stands for honor fallen soldiers through remembrance events like parades—or even just doing something.

This year Memorial Day is observed on Saturday, May 29th. For many Americans, this is a day to remember and honor those who go in service of our country by attending the ceremony near their graves or at Arlington National Cemetery for example. Others may visit military graveyards located outside of America to put flowers or other tokens that represent faithfulness onto gravesites there while minding them too with prayers and thoughts as well.

What is Memorial Day 2023?

DateMonday, May 29, 2023
Observed155 years
ObservancesU.S. military personnel who died in service

Why do we observe Memorial Day?

Happy Memorial Day is a time to reflect on the values of patriotism and liberty, as well as remember those who sacrificed for these ideals. Memorial Day commemorates all American martyrs killed in battle, or during military operations in opposition to an armed enemy from April 6th, 1917 – November  11th, 1918

Happy Memorial Day is a day set aside to mind those who have died in military service. It’s very significant that we give thanks for their sacrifices, as well as honor the memory of all veterans and individuals on active duty.

We observe Memorial Day because it was designed to commemorate fallen soldiers from WWI and WWII with an annual tribute at Arlington National Cemetery (1). The date basically falls near the annual of President Lincoln’s assassination which happened on April 14th, 1865 but has been observed since 1868 when Congress passed legislation establishing Memorial Day 2023.

Happy Memorial Day 2023 Sayings:

  • “Patriotism is long, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady inscription of a lifetime…” ~Adlai E. Stevenson… II
  • “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have gone to win them…” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “The brave are immortal, though they sleep in dust: Their bravery nerves a thousand living men…” ~Minot J. Savage
  • “Many people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made another in the world. A veteran does not have that matter …” ~Ronald Reagan
  • “For the love of country, they adopted gone, and thus protect all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue…” ~James A. Garfield
  • “Our flag does not fly due to the air moving it. It flies with the last breath of each martyr who died protecting it…” ~Unknown

Happy Memorial Day Quotes 2023:

  • “Let us take animation from the brave soldiers to become good citizens of our nation….. Greetings on the occasion of Memorial Day Quotes 2023…”
  • “Today we thank all the Veterans, fallen Heroes of America who gave away their lives to serve and save the nation. Wishing you and your family members a warm and joyful Memorial Day 2023…”
  • “Today is the day to thank all those who manifested our lives with happiness and liberty. Let us how our heads and remember the sacrifices of the martyrs. Happy Memorial Day Quotes 2023…”
  • “Let us thank all the servicemen and women who are no longer with us for saving our country by giving away your lives. Gleeful Memorial Day 2023 to you and your family members…”
  • “On this purpose of Memorial Day, let us thank every person who has served and save the country and brought happiness to our lives. Wishing you a joyful Memorial Day 2023 Quotes…”
  • “It demands a high heart to sacrifice your life for your own country and to leave your children free. Let us extra few minutes to remember and thank such wonderful minds. Gleeful Memorial Day 2023 to you…”
  • “Nothing means anything till the time you don’t have the liberty to think, freedom to speak, and freedom to act in your life. Let us thank all those who bring independence to our lives. Happy Memorial Day 2023 USA…”

Memorial Day Quotes

Happy Memorial Day Wishes 2023

  • “On the purpose of Memorial Day 2023, let us mind and thank all those who have gone to save us. Warm wishes on this wonderful day.”
  • “Our flag flies in honor of all the brave men who did not partition from dying for the country. Joyful Memorial Day Quotes 2023…”
  • “They are the ones who have made the ideal sacrifices that our people and our nation have ever seen. Gleeful Happy Memorial Day Quotes 2023…”
  • Today is the day to remember all those who sacrificed their lives for the security of America…. Wishing you a very Happy Memorial Day.
  • Let us never forget the price we have paid to get this independence…. Let us always remember the sacrifice of every soldier…. Happy Memorial Day.

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