
Orthodox Christmas Day 2023: Top Quotes, Sayings & Messages

Orthodox Christmas Day

Orthodox Christmas Day 2023: Top Quotes, Sayings & Messages – Orthodox Christmas Day marks the arrival of the Savior in the flesh – Jesus Christ. Orthodox Christmas Day was first celebrated in the Russian Empire, then called Orthodox Christianity. Today, Orthodox Christmas Day remains a Christian public holiday marking the Nativity and the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Day is also known as the Julian calendar Christian day. The Orthodox Church considers it to be a new year of rebirth and enlightenment for humanity. It is also a day to honor the Virgin Mary and the whole of Christianity, as well as to celebrate the victory of good over evil. Christmas Day celebration is one of the four traditional annual religious celebrations on the Julian calendar, also known as the Orthodox calendar. The main Christmas Day festival includes a huge family gathering in the evening to give gifts, pray for the well-being of the family, and to celebrate the victory of good over evil.

Orthodox Christmas Day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ as a miracle, as recorded in the Bible. Orthodox Christians believe that the Holy Son of God experienced a wonderful encounter with the Magi following His baptism at the time of Jesus’ birth, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. The Nativity, which is also called Pasch or Bethlehem, is also commemorated on this day. The Holy Family’s home, known as the House of the Holy Family, is decorated with flowers, candles, and lanterns and marked with special icons and pictures of the Virgin Mary, the star known as Omega (or Polaris), and the stone rolled away from the globe by the Magi.

Orthodox Christmas Day 2023: Images, Quotes, Status, Sayings & Messages

Unlike the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church does not celebrate the Nativity or the Birth of Jesus on December 25th. The Orthodox Church celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the feasts of St. Nicholas, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Yule, or on any other special occasion that falls under the feast calendar of a particular Orthodox Church.

This fact has caused many Orthodox Christians, especially Christians in the United States and Russia, to think of the date of Dec. 25th as an inappropriate date for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. In addition, the Orthodox Church observes a longer fasting period during the celebration of St. Nicholas’ Day (called nashchek). That includes three days after Christmas

Unlike Protestants and Islam which observe the birth of Jesus on the fourth Friday of the month. Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on the full moon of December 25th. Many Day parades are also held on the eve of Christmas, as well as a multitude of family dinners and family gatherings. In some areas of the world, Christmas is celebrated with both church attendance and Christmas Day celebrations.

Orthodox Christmas Day

Orthodox Christmas Wishes Messages 2023

  • “Christmas is the time for prayers, singing carols, and reading the bible. It’s time to recollect and walk on the righteous path laid by God…”
  • “May the Lord bless you with peace, love, and joy. May he give you the wisdom to see the light of truth. Merry Christmas…”
  • “Let’s pray this year that all the lovely creations stay blessed and the almighty showers his blessings on all…”
  • “Let the Jingle bells ring, and bring laughter and fun. May the Lord bless all the beautiful children with all the happiness they deserve…”

The Orthodox Christmas Day celebration differs from the non-Orthodox Christmas. Day in that the latter uses trees, bells, toys, lights, and banners with Orthodox Christian symbols. Orthodox Christmas Day parades include a huge choir accompanied by priests. Metropolitan Cathedral musicians, priestesses along a contingent of acrobats or dancers.

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