Happy Saint Anthony 2023: Top Quotes, Wishes, Images & Status

saint anthony

Happy Saint Anthony 2023: Top Quotes, Wishes, Images & Status. People celebrate this day on 13 June every year. He was the Portuguese catholic priest who left them in the year 1231. They admire and believe in their doings and ask them to pray for them. Saint Anthony is their saint of children, the saint of Portugal, and of those people who lost things. Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lost things, is celebrated on June 13 every year. As we enter the year 2023 people are beginning to ask themselves what Saint Anthony might have in store for us.

People’s belief in Saint Anthony

People have different beliefs about Saint Anthony Some believe that Saint Anthony’s appearance in 2023 is an indication of a possible global pandemic. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this interpretation is gaining traction.

Others believe that Saint Anthony will warn us about an impending natural disaster. Whatever Saint Anthony has in store for us, it’s important to remember that he is always there to help us find our way back home.

What is Saint Anthony 2023?

Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in a wealthy family in Lisbon, Portugal. Happy Saint Anthony 2022 is a new saint that is canonized by the Catholic Church in 2023.

I know, I know—you’re thinking, “who cares, there are so many saints.” But bear with me. This new saint is special for a few reasons.

First of all, Saint Anthony 2023 is the first saint to be canonized in the 21st century. That’s pretty darn cool. Second of all, Saint Anthony 2023 is a special saint for millennials. Yep, you read that right. Saint Anthony 2023 has been dubbed the “saint for millennials.” Why? Because he represents a new kind of Christianity that is relevant to our generation.

Saint Anthony 2023 is all about service, compassion, and inclusivity. He encourages people to break out of their shells and connect with others. He also represents a Christianity that is open to change and progress. So if you’re looking for a new saint to add to your prayer list, consider Saint Anthony 2023!

 When is the Feast Day of Happy Saint Anthony?

Saint Anthony’s feast day is June 13th. The saint is usually associated with helping people find things that are lost, and so his feast day is often celebrated with gatherings of friends and family.

It’s also customary to wear something red (the color of Passion) on Saint Anthony’s feast day as a sign of respect and celebration. Many people choose to wear a Saint Anthony medal or other pieces of jewelry in honor of the saint on his feast day.  He quickly became known for his devoutness and was assigned to several different preaching tours.

How to Celebrate Happy Saint Anthony?

Saint Anthony is known as the saint of lost things, which is why he’s such a popular figure during celebrations of all kinds. If you’ve lost something, go to Saint Anthony and he’ll help you find it.

Some people hold processions in the streets, while others have Masses or prayer vigils in his honor. You can also visit a shrine or church dedicated to him, or simply hang a Saint Anthony medal in your home. No matter how you choose to celebrate, be sure to pray for his guidance and ask for his help in finding whatever you’ve lost. People also arrange a display of walking groups of singers and musicians, they parade along with the Avenida da Liberdade.

Saint Anthony History

Saint Anthony (born Fernando Martins de Bulhões) was a Portuguese Catholic priest and friar of the Franciscan order. He was born in Lisbon in 1195 and died in Padua, Italy, in 1231. He is best known for his work with the poor and as the founder of the Franciscan order. Some people also refer to him as “ the saint of miracles “ or the wonder worker. Anthony is also celebrated for his ability to perform miracles, most notably restoring lost objects. This is where we get the popular phrase “Saint Anthony, help me find my lost article.”

Happy All Saints Day

What is Saint Anthony known for?

Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost things. He is also known for his dedication to the poor and his love of animals.

Anthony is credited with founding the Third Order of Saint Francis, which is a monastic order that includes both men and women who live in the world. The order is devoted to helping those in need and following the teachings of Saint Francis. Saint Anthony is also the patron saint of pregnant women, animals, and lost things.

  1. “Look upon the rainbow: that is, consider the beauty, holiness, and dignity of blessed Mary; and bless with heart and mouth and deed her Son, who made her thus. In the brightness of her holiness, she is very beautiful, beyond all daughters of God. She has encompassed the heaven about (that is, she has enclosed the divinity) within the circle of her glory, her glorious humanity…”
  2. “How great is the kindness of God! How great is the dignity of the penitent! He who lives in eternity dwells in the heart of the humble and in the soul of the penitent! It is the mark of a truly contrite heart that it humbles itself in everything, reckoning itself no more than a dead dog and a mere flea…”
  3. “Father, in your Truth (that is to say, in your Son, humbled, needy, and homeless) you have humbled me. He was humbled in the womb of the Virgin, needy in the manger of the sheep, and homeless on the wood of the Cross. Nothing so humbles the proud sinner as the humility of Jesus Christ’s humanity…”


  1. “The wisdom of God is reflected in the face of the soul: she will see God as he is, and she will know as she is known…”
  2. “Do you want to have God always in your mind? Be just as he made you be. Do not go seeking another “you”. Do not make yourself otherwise than he made you. Then you will always have God in mind…”
  3. “The Lord breathes the breath of life, contrition of heart, into the face of the soul when he impresses upon it his own image and likeness, which has been soiled by sin and renews it…”
  4. “The life of the body is the soul, the life of the soul is Christ…”
  5. “Alas, alas! He who is the liberty of captives is made a prisoner. He who is the Glory of the angels is mocked. The God of all is scourged. The spotless mirror of the eternal Light is spat upon. The Life of mortals is killed. What is there left for us poor wretches to do but go and die with him? Draw us forth from the mire, Lord Jesus, with the hook of your Cross; so that we may run, not to your sweetness, but to the bitterness of your Passion…”

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