
Elizabeth Peratrovich Day 2023: Top Wishes, History & Quotes

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day 2023: Elizabeth Peratrovich Day was established to honor and recognize the tireless efforts of an American Indian woman from Alaska whose life’s path crossed the path of the United States government as a child of immigrant parents. Elizabeth grew up in Standing Rock, South Dakota. Her story is one that is inspiring to many Americans of Indian, Asian, Hispanic, or other ethnic backgrounds. Elizabeth’s life’s work continues to inspire young people today as they learn about her life and legacy.

In many parts of the world today, persons of Indian origin are subject to serious forms of social, political, economic, or cultural discrimination. Two examples of cases in point include being denied a promotion or being fired from a job because of your heritage or nationality. Elizabeth Peratrovich faced these types of discrimination as an Alaska Native.

On February 16th, a federal law was enacted by the United States Congress to help Elizabeth Peratrovich, and others like her, who have been subjected to such harmful acts of racism and cultural prejudice. This legislation is known as the “Elizabeth Peratrovich Day Act.”

The Elizabeth Peratrovich Day Celebration is designed to bring attention to such cases of extreme racial discrimination against American Indians, Alaska Natives, and other people of various ethnic backgrounds. The Act was named in honor of Elizabeth Peratrovich. This day founds to bring awareness to this continuing problem of cultural prejudice against Alaskans.

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day 2023:

The Act provides for the participation of certain organizations or individuals on Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. Among those invited to be a part of this celebration are local Indian tribes, local business people, public place operators, school teachers, college students, publishers, and artists. They are also to deliver a message of unity, peace, and cultural awareness to their fellow Americans.

The message that they deliver is that they stand with the people of the United States of America to eliminate all forms of cultural prejudice and discrimination. To accomplish this, the organizers of the Elizabeth Peratrovich Day Celebration want all Americans, including all members of local government, to participate in an official government-sponsored event.

The purpose of this event is to educate the American people about the history of civil rights in the United States, the special issues affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives, and the need to eliminate all forms of cultural prejudice and discrimination. It is hoped that the participants of the day will raise their hands if they feel that they have experienced any type of civil rights harassment or attack.

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day: Wishes

  • Asking you to give me rights implies that they are yours to give. – Peratrovich
  • I must demand that you stop trying to deny me the rights that all people deserve. -Elizabeth Peratrovich
  • You as legislatures can assert to the world that you recognize the evil of the present situation. -Elizabeth Peratrovich
  • Speak your intent to help us overcome discrimination. – Peratrovich
  • No law will eliminate crimes. – Peratrovich
  • Asking you to give me rights implies that they are yours to give. – Peratrovich
  • I would not have expected that I, who am barely out of savagery, will have to remind gentlemen with 5,000 years of recorded civilization behind us of our rights. -Elizabeth Peratrovich
  • I must demand that you stop trying to deny me the rights that all people deserve. – Peratrovich
  • You as legislatures can assert to the world that you recognize the evil of the present situation. -Elizabeth Peratrovich
  • Speak your intent to help us overcome discrimination. – Petrovich
  • I would not have expected that I, who am barely out of savagery, will have to remind gentlemen with 5,000 years of recorded civilization behind us of our rights. – Peratrovich

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day: History

Several organizers of the event plan to visit. Each house of the participants and explain the meaning of the day to them. They hope that some of them will join in with a silent protest at the designated place after hearing the speakers. This will hopefully result in the removal of any signs against civil rights harassment or attacks.

You may want to support the cause of Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. Celebration by making a donation in her name to the following organizations: The American Indian Movement to end Indian torture and violence. The National Organization for the Women in Prison, The United Nations Global Children’s Emergency Fund. The Ohio State University Women’s Center, and Ohio chapters of the Parents of Missing Children, Inc.

When Dates is Elizabeth Peratrovich Day?

Year Weekday Date
2020 Sun Feb 16
2021 Tue Feb 16
2022 Wed Feb 16
2023 Thu Feb 16

Also, you may consider joining your local chapter of the Parents of Missing. Children or other civil rights organizations to show your support for the mission of the event. On February 16th, you have a wonderful opportunity to express yourself. Your support for the rights of indigenous children and call upon all Americans to honor the commitment to end the abuses and crimes against children perpetrated by members of our society.

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